Sunday, July 18, 2010

Feeling a bit tired, seh-seh after just 5 hours of sleep.

Once again I need to supplement to my energy using Cafe Hotshot Mocha.

I hope I can go through this oral the way 3-year-olds would probably say it, at least. In terms of not hard-memorising the lines but remembering what I want to ask in English, then translate back to Japanese.

This blue watch. "so no aoi tokei desu"
How much is that? "kore wa ikura desuka"
That's really expensive~~~~~ "takai desu ne~~~~~~" ->synchro, synchro!
That's really cheap~~~~~~ "yasui desu ne~~~~~~" -> ^ ^ ^
Is that also from Germany? "are mo doitsu no desuka?"
The total is 760 dollars, yea~~~ "zenbu de nana-hyaku-roku-jyu-DO-RU desune~~~~~~"

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